Ryan Adams | August 15, 2024
“Real Deal” Reflections

One of the most interesting aspects of being the CEO of Syllo is the daily interactions I have with a range of law firms, in-house counsel, legal technologists, and ediscovery professionals.
The most fascinating trend I am seeing right now is the widening gap between first movers and everyone else in how efficiently and accurately they can handle large-scale document reviews and organize a complex evidentiary record.
There are firms completing large document reviews (from data loading to production) with extremely high accuracy in the span of a few days and just dozens of hours or less of attorney time. At the same time, there are other firms who are still using armies of reviewers whose work quality is mixed and still taking weeks or months and hundreds or even thousands of hours to complete similarly sized reviews.
We are not talking about TAR or CAL levels of accuracy here. I am routinely seeing 97% to 100% estimated recall rates and high precision without any seed sets or sample sets involved, and the all-in cost of these reviews is often less than 60% the all-in cost of alternative methods of completing the review.
The GenAI transformation of document review and the discovery process in litigation is fully underway. It will not face the same fate as TAR and CAL because it simply works too well. And this is a great thing: the effective use of generative AI in document review and discovery process is the most impactful first-wave application of generative AI to litigation, both in terms of financial savings for litigants and improving the efficacy of the legal system in the United States.
As Syllo users say: its “the real deal.”